Currently, V-CHEERS Food. PTY. LTD 's main food sales channels are divided into two categories of online and offline. By depending on different customer groups and actual demand, sales forms are also divided into individual retail, community distribution and mass wholesale.
我们的四个仓库的员工每天需要向来自线上和线下的订单进行整理,分类以及发货派送。Our employees in four warehouses need to sort, classify and deliver online and offline orders every day.
线下我们与许多大型超市,餐饮连锁企业,星级酒店,食品工厂,大型食品批发市场,居民社区团体进行充分的居作。In the offline, we fully cooperate with many large supermarkets, catering chain enterprises, star hotels, food factories, large food wholesale markets, residents and community groups.
我们需要确保每个仓库的货架上有足够的存货以应对日常需求以及节假日可能带来的需求增长。We need to make sure that each warehouse has enough inventory on the shelves to keep the daily demand and any increase in demand that may occur during the holiday season.
我们拥有优秀强大的运营客服团队全方面为客户服务。We have strong team of operation customer to serve customers in all aspects.
我们在中国各大网络平台开设我们自己的食品专营网店以及为品牌商开设旗舰店。On major network platforms of China, we open our own food franchise online stores and open flagship stores for different brands.
随着国内网络直播行业在国内的崛起,网红直播带货已然成为公司中最有影响力的线上销售方式之一。With the rise of live streaming industry in China, influencer marketing has become one of the most influential methods of online sales in the our company.